Saturday, 29 June 2013

What Is Pre-diabetes and various conditions

What Is Pre-diabetes and various conditions?

Majority of people suffering with “Type-2 Diabetes” must go through the “Pre-diabetes” stage. These people suffer with blood glucose levels higher than normal, but it is not that high enough to merit diabetic symptoms to be diagnosed so easily. The cells in the body slowly start becoming resistant to insulin.

Reports state that even at the pre-diabetes stage, some damage to consistently occur to the circulatory system and the heart.

Metabolism a regular Disorder and cause for Diabetes.

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is referred to as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism is known to the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Maximum of what we eat through mouth is broken down into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar (energy) in the blood - it is the principal source of energy for our bodies.

During the time food is digested, the glucose (sugar) makes its way into our bloodstream. Our body cells use the glucose for energy and growth and during all the activities, which a body performs in all activities. However, this glucose is not permitted to enter our body cells without insulin being present - insulin secreted from the pancreas makes it possible for our cells to take the glucose inside the cell body.

Secretion from Pancreases known to as “Insulin” is a hormone that helps the Sugar to get dissolved in the Cell body. After eating anything as our food, the pancreas automatically releases an adequate quantity of insulin to move transfer the glucose present in our blood into the cells, as soon as glucose enters the body cells blood-glucose levels drop.

A person suffering from diabetes has a condition in which the levels (quantity) of glucose in the blood are too elevated (hyperglycemia). This happens only because the body either does not produce enough insulin or produces no insulin, or has the body cells that do not respond properly to the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. This results in exaggeration of glucose building up in the blood. This blood glucose exaggerated eventually passes out of the body through urine, although the blood has plenty of glucose, still the cells are not getting it for their essential energy and growth requirements.

How to check Pre-Diabetic conditions?

A specialist or a doctor can determine whether a patient has a normal metabolism or not, or whether the person is suffering from pre-diabetes or diabetes in one of three different ways –

There are three possible tests available to check the conditions:

A1C test
- If the test reveals 6.5% it means diabetes
- Between 5.7% and 5.99% confirms pre-diabetes
- Less than 5.7% is normal

FPG (fasting plasma glucose) test
- 126 mg/dl confirms diabetes
- Between 100 mg/dl and 125.99 mg/dl confirms pre-diabetes
- Less than 100 mg/dl means normal.

• In case of abnormal readings during the FPG tests, means the patient has impaired fasting glucose (IFG)

OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)
- 200 mg/dl confirms diabetes
- Between 140 and 199.9 mg/dl is pre-diabetes
- Less than 140 mg/dl is normal.

In case of the abnormal reading following the OGTT tests means the patient has impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
Why Is the Disease known as “Diabetes Mellitus”?
Diabetes is a Greek words meaning, "siphon". Arêtes the Cappadocian, a Greek physician in the times during the second century A.D, called the condition diabainein. Arêtes described patients who were going through Polyuria passing too much water –was like a siphon. The word was later described as "diabetes" in the English context of the disease.

Later in 1675, “Thomas Willis” added a new synonym “Mellitus” to the present term, Mel in Latin means "honey"; the urine and blood of people with diabetes has excess glucose, and glucose tastes sweet similar to honey, although it is commonly referred to as diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus which could further mean, "siphoning off” sweet water".

In ancient China people observed that ants where attracted to some people's urine, because of its sweet nature with huge Glucose present in it. Thus it was termed as "Sweet Urine Disease"

Diabetes Control –

All the three types of Diabetes Mellitus are treatable.

Diabetes Type-1 lasts over a lifetime, there is surely no known cure till date.
Diabetes Type-2 again lasts for a lifetime, however, some people have managed to control it through a lot of exercise, diet and excellent body weight control to get rid of their symptoms without too much of medication.

Researchers from the “Mayo Clinic Arizona” in Scottsdale showed that gastric by-pass surgery can reverse Type-2 Diabetes in a high proportion of patients suffering from Diabetes. They further added that within three to five years the disease may or may not recurs and confirm only in approximately 21% of them.

Diabetic Patients suffering with Type-1 are treated with regular insulin injections, as well as a “special diet” and regular exercise.

Diabetic Patients with Type-2 diabetes are usually treated with oral tablets, regular exercise and surely a special diet, but in some patients insulin in the form of injections may also be required.

If all the diabetic conditions are not adequately controlled the patient significantly have higher risk of developing complications.

Solomon Bio Pharma and Research

Solomon Bio Pharma and Research with a series of Diabetic products are exploring new avenues for the patients suffering from any type of Diabetes. Mr. Rajendra Trakru (CEO) in Solomon Group personally has taken the initiative to provide a new range of Products to care, control, and even working with the companies in Israel, Taiwan, Czech Republic and Canada to find out some treatment for the disease.

Recently company has launched“Dia-B care” Diabetic socks, a unique Diabetic Socks made from a special kind of Fiber with a Nano technology. The same fibers are induced with Nano polymers, which later emit FAR- Infra Red in low level Laser conditions. This sock’s are highly effective and may be defined as functional socks.

“Dia-B Care” Diabetes care sock’s are highly effective in all the three types of Patients and special during the foot care conditions. They can stimulate and rejuenuvate the dead cells in the lower part of the body. It has the capability of even controlling Blood Sugar levels to some extent.  These Dia-B Care Diabetic socks has the capability to emit FAR-Infra Red, which can be used by the normal people also, as it controls the Blood Pressure and other nervous numbness issues in the patients.

Solomon Bio Pharma and Research shall soon launch a series of new products in the Diabetes range.

For further information kindly visit on :


Friday, 28 June 2013

What Is Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus, is described as a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high levels of blood glucose (blood sugar contents), either because of insulin scarce production which is inadequate, or because the human body's cells does not respond properly to insulin secreted by the Pancreas, or it happens due to both. Patients with high blood sugar contents shall typically have the experience of polyuria ie. (Frequent urination), they will become increasingly thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia).
There are three main types of diabetes presently known:
1) Type 1 “Diabetes Mellitus”
Type-1 type of Diabetes Mellitus does not produce insulin. Some people may refer to this type as insulin-dependent diabetes, or juvenile diabetes, or early-onset diabetes. People usually develop type-1, Diabetes before touching the age of 40, often it occurs during the early stages of adulthood or late teenage stages.
Type-1 Diabetes is not at all similar to Type-2 Diabetes. If we compare the tendency of Diabetes cases in all three types of Diabetes approx. 10% of all diabetes cases are type-1.
Patients with type-1 Diabetes are almost dependent on insulin intakes for the rest of their life. They must also ensure proper blood-glucose levels by regular check up at home/laboratories. Although there are several companies providing these machines/Meters for regular check up at affordable prices. There are two types of Machines available in the market. With GOD technology or GDH technology. You may know that GOD technology is old and not so accurate which can have the errors ratio of 20-25 % or more but GDH technology can control the errors from 10 to 15% or even less. Solomon Bio pharma and Research has launched a devices Solomon gluco-Fia-3000, which are highly sophisticated meters to read more accurately. You can carry out regular blood tests and following a special diet which is posted by our experts on our website, Elecwire dot com.
Between 2001 and 2012, the prevalence of type 1 diabetes among the under 20s in the India rose nearly by 23%,
2) Type-2 “Diabetes Mellitus”
In this case of Diabetes Mellitus the body do not produce enough insulin for proper functioning of the body, or the cells in the body do not react or respond to insulin (insulin resistance).
The world has known and recorded approx 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide suffering with this type of Type-2 Diabetes..
Some people control this type of  “Type-2 Diabetes” by simple methods of changing lifestyle, like checking the symptoms and by losing weight, following a healthy diet, doing regular exercise, and monitoring their blood sugar levels. However, Type-2 diabetes is typically a progressive disease - it can gradually get worse - and ultimately the patient shall end up have to take insulin but in tablet form.
Overweight and obese people are under high risk of developing “Type-2” Diabetes compared to those with a healthy body weight. People with a lot of visceral fat, also known as central obesity, belly fat, or abdominal obesity, are especially at risk. People being overweight or obese are prone to release chemicals that can destabilize the body's cardiovascular and metabolic systems inside the body.
Being overweight and physically inactive and eating the wrong foods all contribute to our risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Drinking one can of soda ( Non Diet) every day can raise the risk the development of type -2 Diabetes by over 22%. 
Scientists believe that the intake of sugary soft drinks has a serious risk on Diabetes and may be a direct one, rather than simply an influence on body weight.
The risk of developing “Type-2 Diabetes” is also higher with the age. The Reason is yet not clear and experts are not completely sure why, but believe that with the age we put on weight and thus become prone to such changes. Those with a close relative who had/had type 2 diabetes, people of Middle Eastern, African, or South Asian descent also have a higher risk of developing the disease.
Men whose testosterone levels are low have been found to have a higher risk of developing Type-2 Diabetes.
3) TYPE-3 “Gestational Diabetes”
Type-3 type of Gestational Diabetes affects females during pregnancy. Some women have very high sugar levels in their blood, and their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin to transport all the glucose into their body cells, resulting in progression and rising levels of glucose in the blood.
Usually diagnosis of gestational diabetes in females is done during pregnancy.
The majority of “Type-3 Gestational Diabetes” patients can control their diabetes with exercise and diet. Almost 10% to 20% of the patients suffering from type-3 type of diabetes shall need to take some kind of blood-glucose-controlling medications. In both the conditions, which are “Undiagnosed or Uncontrolled”, gestational diabetes can raise the risk of complications during childbirth. The baby may be bigger than he/she should be.
Scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Harvard University found that women whose diets before becoming pregnant were high in animal fat and cholesterol had a higher risk for gestational diabetes, compared to their counterparts whose diets were low in cholesterol and animal fats.
Solomon Bio Pharma and Research recommends using and practicing Regular exercise, Controlling Diets, Adhering to Normal Lifestyle, Giving up stress, Practicing Yoga, Sleep Habits, and specially avoiding Junk Foods,
We also recommed to give your Body a Regular I.R therapies through various alternates products, Like Dia-B Care Diabetes Socks. These socks are very useful and highly effective in Foot Care, Made up of with Special Nano Fibers and induced with Nano Polymers has been processed with Special Dr Free technology, which release FAR Infra red or Low level lasers’, They are highly effective in Stimulating your Capillaries, Nerves and Venous system, Thus it rejunvates the dead cells and dead areas in the feet. It can control the Blood Pressure levels and thus a patient has a healthy foot, which usually is a problem in Diabetic patients.
“Dia-B Care Diabetic Socks” controls Diabetes to some extent and thus helps patients to get relief even from the side effects of Diabetes like white cornea.
Solomon Bio Pharma and Research has dedicated its service to mankind in the form of Diabetes control. We believe that we can provide all remedies through regular and alternate therapies both.
For further information kindly visit on :

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Diabetic Foot & Foot Care Tips

Most of the people suffering with Diabetes face several health related problems like tertiary nerve damage and poor blood circulation. Feet are the lower most portions of a human body and farthest from the heart; thereby the blood circulation has to be most efficient to the feet. Thus if the blood circulation gets affected, the feet are the first organ/part to be affected.  The nerves get damaged and the feet gradually start loosing sensation. Chronic nerve damage and poor blood circulation leads to dry skin, cracks in the skin and blisters which can develop infections in the feet. Since the patient has already less sensation, these infections often go unnoticed and cause great damage before it is too late. The bones also get affected by poor blood circulation resulting in the disintegration of the foot and ankle joints. Since the nerves are damaged the diabetic patients may not even realize that they have fractured their lower limbs and they may continue to walk on their fractured limbs leading to dangerous situations. Amputation of the affected limb is the only solution to save the life of such diabetic patients. Sometimes the bacterial and fungal infections are so severe that gangrene can develop in the affected part but the patient is oblivious about the same.

Diabetic patients should take extra precautions to save themselves from such situations. Following are the precautions that every diabetic patient should take to save his/her feet:-

1. Hygiene: - Always be sure to keep your feet clean and dry at all times, especially between the toes where there are chances of fungal infections. 

2. Check infections: -Look-out for cuts n cracks in your feet everyday. Any redness, swelling, blisters, cuts or color changes should be investigated and treated immediately. 

3. Nail Care: - The Nail Care for diabetic patients is very important as these are the areas where infections prevail. Always cut nails straight across and then smooth the edges with an emery board. It is always easy to cut nails after your bath or shower.

4. Skin Care: - Diabetic patients should take extra care about the skin. One should prevent dryness and cracking by applying cream or petroleum jelly to heels and dry skin areas but avoid applying the same in between the toes as this can allow bacteria and fungus to grow and infect the skin.

5. In case you happen to get corns, calluses or ingrown toenails in your feet, do not attempt to self-treat these conditions, visit a doctor for treatment.

6. Blood Circulation to the feet: - Please ensure that the blood circulation to the feet is not restricted. Try not to cross your legs when you sit down. This can limit circulation. Also try to use socks that are loose fitting and do not have elastic bands which restrict the free blood flow to the feet. 

7. Protect your feet from extremes in temperature. Keep your bathing water at Luke warm temperate which is in the 85-90 F degree range (30-32 C). In extreme cases of diabetes neuropathy, you may not be able to feel if the water is too hot, and burns could result. This could further lead to complications. 

8. Diabetic patients should always avoid using heating pads or hot water bottles. Protect your feet from temperatures that are too cold, as well. Prolonged cold temperatures can reduce blood circulation even more resulting in less blood supply to the limbs.

9. Shoes & Socks: - Take precautions before buying shoes and socks. The shoes should be loosely fit, not tight it shoes and socks should be special diabetic socks. There are special diabetic shoes and socks available in the market which have been specially designed and manufactured for diabetic patients only. These shoes and socks should be anti fungal and anti bacterial. 

Solomon a health care company has specially designed Dia B-Care Socks which have been found to be extremely beneficial for the healthy feet of Diabetic patients.

For More Information visit our site :

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Symptoms of Diabetes

diabetes care product

Diabetes as a disease comes unnoticed and affects a person before one actually realizes that one is affected by this disease. So it is necessary that a person is aware about the early symptoms of this disease so that he can take preventive and corrective measures before it is too late. A diabetic person’s pancreases are not able to produce sufficient amount of insulin which is the enzyme  responsible for burning blood glucose and release sufficient amounts of energy needed by the body. Most common symptoms of this disease are:-
1.     Increased Urination: - The first symptom of diabetes or pre diabetes that a person will be inclined to urinate more frequently than any normal healthy person. This frequent urination will be more during night If a person is unusually frequenting the bathroom then he should investigate the causes and g for a blood sugar check.
2.     Feeling thirsty most of the time: - Another first symptom of diabetes is increased thirst. When a person is feeling thirsty most of the time even after drinking enough water it could be because of the high blood glucose levels which make you feel thirstier and you keep drinking more and more water. This would also lead to frequent urination and increasing the work load of your kidneys.
3.     Feeling Hungry more often: - Diabetes or Pre Diabetes can make you feel hungry more often than not and you feel like eating more. It may not be because you have started working more or because your appetite has increased.
4.     Feeling Weak & tired: - When the body is not able to get sufficient energy due to inefficient pancreatic function the person may feel weak and tired as the body is not able to burn glucose and generate enough energy needed for essential functioning of the body.
5.     Sudden Weight loss : - If one looses weight suddenly without having made any special efforts to loose weight, it could be possibly because of Diabetes. The body may be utilizing its body fat reserves to compensate for its energy needs as the body is not able to burn blood glucose to satisfy its energy needs.
6.     Blurred vision: - The blood glucose levels of an affected person will keep fluctuating most of the time and this can cause blurred vision.
7.     Long healing time: - If a person has high blood glucose levels than a normal person he will probably take more healing time. He will be prone to infections more easily and may get bladder or vaginal infections in women Gum problems or Yellowness of teeth is also found in diabetic patients. 
8.     The tertiary blood vessels and nerves of the diabetic patients get affected leading to dry skin, scales and scalp becomes prone to infections.
9.     Diabetic Foot: - The feet of patients affected with diabetes experience numbness as the feet may not feel any pain or sensation which sometimes leads to lot of unnoticed cuts and sores. These cuts and sores, if not detected in time, sometimes may require amputation of the affected part. 
10.  Diabetic Retinopathy: - As the persons blood vessels of the eyes get affected by high blood glucose levels the cornea gets damaged and leads to Diabetic Retinopathy disease in the eyes.

If a person is experiencing such symptoms he should visit a doctor to seek reasons for such problems. The doctors would certainly recommend investigative tests and procedures to find the reasons for such problems and most probably a person could be affected with Pre-diabetes or Diabetes.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Diabetic Socks

dia b care socks

Material of socks. Is a high-performance fiber with the function of antibacterial, the fiber with nano-powders in polymer can reduce the risk of germs growth. In addition, the nano-powders of Far Infrared and Minus Ions in fiber material can keep the body warm, healthy and feel comfortable. Nano Fibers are with the function of specific "cross (+) section" for speeding sweat away from skin to the outer surface of fabric to make skin feel dry, refreshing and comfortable.

I.R Process. Is far infrared PET fiber with nano-powders (the size of nano-powders is 70 nm-100 nm) blended during polymerization process. NanoRed fiber can absorb energy from sunlight or the human body and release 4 um-14 um far infrared rays to keep the body warm, expanding capillaries to improve the blood circulation, and accelerating metabolism.
Effects on the Body. Help keep your feet healthy and safe from injury by reducing pressure on the area. They do not have seams; seams in regular socks can sometimes cause blistering or sores on diabetics' feet. control moisture in the area and are anti-fungal. Moisture-control diabetic socks allow your feet to breathe, preventing sweating and keeping bacteria from growing. The socks come with non-restrictive tops and are nonbinding.
How does it control Diabetes. Diabetic socks are very useful hosiery/ Fiber (Nano Technology) product that help in regulating blood circulation in the lower body parts for diabetics body, and it also helps the wounds, cuts or sores heal faster with I.R penetration. People with low or high blood pressure can also find the socks highly useful, as it helps in controlling the blood pressure levels. The I.R released in the Body with LLL ( Low Level Laser) or cool wave technology penetrates and corrects thus rejuvenating the Blood Capillaries and Blood Vessel and Nerve Endings. These socks can help Pancreas by releasing these I.R into the organ thus enabling it to accelerate the functions for the Production of Insulin. This is highly effective product and can be worn with any consultation of a doctor. The safest and highly effective diabetic care and control products can be useful in all the seasons.
How does it control side effects on foot of Diabetes. Wearing shoes for longer time can be harmful for them since the closed feet can generate excessive moisture. It controls the moisture level of the skin, thus allowing the feet to breathe. By controlling the moisture, it keeps the feet dry and free from bacterial infections.
Does it have any side effects. Wearing diabetic socks is not associated with any adverse effects.
Process of Use/Duration.
Life of Use . Depends on Usage.
Washing Process. Wash in Luke warm water using a mild Soap/ detergent. No bleach. Tumble dry on medium heat.
Drying : It should be dried in Shade and should not be Rinsed or washed in the Machine.